Software development require unique set of skills, of course there are several way to achieve the result, you can learn a lot by yourself, take courses, mentorship and finally be able to develop your software projects by yourself, but if we talk about business and being able to generate value from an idea, the story it’s completely different and being able to harness ideas and take them to the table it requires a set of skills which are very difficult to be found in one single person.
We developed a stratified approach in which the customer is at the center, the ideas and scope of the project come first and then it’s our goal to make the customer, at any level of knowledge, able to decide which approach will suit the requests better.
the Akox Development Team uses an only account manager for each customer project, the idea is to simplify the collection of information and be a solid intermediary with the development team, everybody has their own role and there is no overlapping of tasks and requests.
This approach has been proven to be the most effective when dealing with structured projects and no IT skills from the customer side.