Frequently asked questions

in this page we collected all the most common questions about remote development team and outsourcing of software development, feel free to contact us if you have other questions.

Outsourcing software development can offer several benefits to companies, including:

1. Cost savings: Outsourcing software development can be cost-effective, especially if you’re working with offshore teams in countries with lower labor costs. This can help you reduce expenses related to salaries, benefits, infrastructure, and overhead.

2. Access to specialized skills: Outsourcing allows you to tap into a global talent pool and access specialized skills and expertise that may not be available in-house. You can leverage the knowledge and experience of professionals who are well-versed in specific technologies, programming languages, or industry domains.

3. Focus on core competencies: By delegating software development tasks to external vendors, you can free up your internal resources to focus on core business activities such as strategic planning, marketing, and customer engagement. This can enhance your company’s competitiveness and agility in the market.

4. Scalability and flexibility: Outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale your development team up or down quickly in response to changing project requirements or business needs. You can ramp up resources during peak periods or scale back during quieter times without the overhead of hiring and training full-time employees.

5. Faster time to market: Outsourcing software development can accelerate the time to market for your products or services by leveraging the expertise and resources of external teams. Experienced outsourcing providers can streamline the development process, reduce time-consuming tasks, and help you meet tight deadlines more efficiently.

6. Risk mitigation: Outsourcing allows you to spread the risk associated with software development across multiple parties, including the vendor and subcontractors. This can help mitigate project risks such as cost overruns, delays, and quality issues, as vendors are often contractually obligated to deliver on time and within budget.

7. Access to innovation: Outsourcing partners often bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and best practices from working with a variety of clients across different industries. This can inject new energy into your projects and help you stay ahead of the competition by incorporating the latest technologies and trends into your software solutions.

Overall, outsourcing software development can be a strategic decision that enables companies to achieve cost efficiencies, access specialized skills, accelerate time to market, and focus on their core business objectives. However, it’s essential to carefully evaluate potential vendors, establish clear communication channels, and manage the outsourcing relationship effectively to maximize the benefits and minimize potential risks.

Every project is managed by a team, every team have an account manager, one or more developers and a billing manager.
the account manager send a weekly report about the time spent on the project in hours and by how many developers, the accounting manager agree with the customer and with the billing manager when to send invoices to keep enough credit in the account, allowing the work not to be interrupted, we only work on a pre-pay base with new customers.


Yes, it is possible, it might be taking more time at the initial phase becouse of the precise accounting of every single task, but we could manage fixed cost rate only for small projects or very clearly defined tasks, we understand the advantage of  a clear fixed cost for every customer but since the programming is a hourly fee based work it is hard to allow fixed cost rate for bigger projects.

the remote development team is available 5 days a week (monday to friday) in all standard cases, if by the project delivery time and customer request we need more hours, by agreeing with customer we could manage saturdays/sundays at an extra fee.

Incorporating in Estonia was the best choice for us for several reasons:

  1. E-Residency Program: Estonia offers an E-Residency program, allowing non-residents to establish and manage an Estonian company online. This program provides digital identification, access to Estonian e-services, and the ability to operate a business remotely.

  2. Digital Infrastructure: Estonia boasts a highly advanced digital infrastructure, including widespread internet access, secure digital signatures, and electronic government services. This infrastructure facilitates efficient business operations and reduces administrative burdens.

  3. Ease of Company Formation: Setting up a company in Estonia is relatively straightforward, with minimal bureaucratic hurdles. The process can often be completed entirely online, making it convenient for entrepreneurs from around the world.

  4. Low Corporate Taxation: Estonia operates on a territorial taxation system, meaning that companies are only taxed on distributed profits. This results in a competitive corporate tax rate of 20%, which can be advantageous for businesses seeking to minimize their tax liabilities.

  5. Access to the EU Market: Estonia is a member of the European Union (EU) and the Eurozone, providing businesses with access to the EU’s single market and the benefits of free trade and economic integration within the European Economic Area (EEA).

  6. Startup-Friendly Environment: Estonia has gained a reputation as a startup-friendly environment, with supportive government policies, access to venture capital, and a vibrant tech ecosystem. This makes it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs and tech companies looking to innovate and grow.

  7. Strong Rule of Law: Estonia is known for its strong rule of law, transparent legal system, and protection of property rights. This creates a stable and predictable business environment, which is essential for attracting investment and fostering business growth.

we do not have only one software development approach, every single project need an evaluation, together with customer, budgeting and technical task we decide which approach is better.

yes, we do like complicated project or area of business where no solution had been created before, the challenge motivate us, understanding the problem to solve and dealing with customer in understanding their needs is the key of finding a great solution.

yes, given that the previus team make a good use of standard practices, commented the code and eventually created a manual or a clear technical flow chart of what the application is doing, we are ready to help.
We are going to help also in case of no real support from previus team but the initial analisys will be longer and it will take time just to understand how the previus work had been done.

we do have a standard set of questions for every kind of project brought to us by customers, replying those questions take some time and it is helping us shortening the evaluation time, literally how many hours it will take to develop the project as defined by the technical specifications, in general it takes around one week, given the readyness of customer to reply all the questions that might arise during evaluation.

the developed code or application is your, we do not have any sketchy practices of not releasing the code, the codebase is hosted on your repository account and it will be accessable by you at any time, if the funds run out for any reason, we will just stop working until there are more funds available, and work could start again.

unless clearly approved by the customer, we are not asking any customer to give us “credits” on their websites or applications, we do not advertise projects on our website unless customer agree to be advertised on our pages.

all our internal comunications are encrypted and we follow all the best practices recommended by the law.

we understand the benefits generated by outsourcing software development, we are ready to sign any binding agreement about secrecy and we understand how valuable is the right idea at the right time.
NDAs and NCAs are not an issue for us, they are an act of professionalism.

unless specified or requested by the customer, we use online code repositories and at every end of day, all the code created during the day is backed up offline.

yes, as by the previus question about running out of funds, the code is your, unless a different contract is in place, we do not have any issue in suspending development, for planning reasons we would still love to be informed about any next step.

yes, we do use industry standard policies to keep your data safe, as by requested by the current regulation and law about privacy and data safety.

yes, please contact us directly with your questions, we are able to work directly with your customer or you can act as intermediary between our remote team and your customer, in both cases we will do our best to help you make your customer satisfied.

yes, get in contact with us, tell us what you need and we will give you our best support in dealing with your request.

there is no minimum amount of work, however given the initial evaluation, that unless agreed differently with the cusotmer, is free.
we would like not to dedicate a lot of time for evaluation of a 2 hours of work.

depending on the customer project different tools could be used, it reside in every single specific need what kind of tools we are able to use.

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Yes, there are several advantages to using open source software tools:

  1. Cost Savings: Open source software is typically available for free or at a much lower cost compared to proprietary software. This can result in significant cost savings for individuals and organizations, especially for startups, small businesses, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations with limited budgets.

  2. Customization and Flexibility: Open source software provides users with access to the source code, allowing them to modify, customize, and adapt the software to meet their specific needs and requirements. This level of flexibility enables users to tailor the software to their workflows, integrate it with other tools and systems, and address unique use cases.

  3. Community Support and Collaboration: Open source projects often have vibrant communities of developers, contributors, and users who collaborate, share knowledge, provide support, and contribute improvements to the software. This collective effort fosters innovation, drives continuous development, and ensures the longevity and sustainability of open source projects.

  4. Transparency and Security: The open nature of open source software promotes transparency, as users can review the source code to understand how the software works, identify potential security vulnerabilities, and implement necessary security measures. Additionally, the large community of users and developers can quickly identify and address security issues through peer review and collaboration.

  5. Vendor Independence: Open source software reduces dependency on specific vendors or proprietary solutions, as users have the freedom to use, modify, and distribute the software without restrictions imposed by proprietary licenses or vendor lock-in. This provides users with greater control over their software stack and reduces the risk of being tied to a single vendor.

  6. Interoperability and Compatibility: Open source software tends to adhere to open standards and protocols, promoting interoperability and compatibility with other software and systems. This facilitates seamless integration with existing infrastructure, promotes data portability, and reduces barriers to collaboration and information exchange across different platforms and environments.

  7. Continuous Improvement and Innovation: Open source projects benefit from a collaborative development model, where contributions from a diverse community of developers drive continuous improvement, innovation, and feature enhancements. This enables open source software to evolve rapidly, adapt to changing user needs and technology trends, and remain competitive in the market.

Overall, the advantages of using open source software tools include cost savings, customization, community support, transparency, security, vendor independence, interoperability, and continuous improvement. These factors make open source software a compelling choice for individuals, businesses, and organizations seeking reliable, flexible, and sustainable software solutions.

the time of development depends on the tasks, if no extra tasks are included in the project in the ongoing process, we will always try to hit the given target of time during the initial evaluation, however if the project keep evolving and some details are changed along the way, it will generate more working hours and by that, the delivery time could be extended.

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